Movie Magic: Tech in Film and Entertainment

Welcome to the world of “Tech in film and entertainment,” where cutting-edge technology is revolutionizing the way films and shows are created. From your favorite films to the latest series, tech plays a crucial role in bringing captivating stories to life on the big and small screens. Entertainment Partners has developed the Movie Magic software suite, a powerful set of tools designed to manage and organize various aspects of film and entertainment production. Let’s explore how this suite of software can make movie magic happen.

  • Movie Magic Scheduling: a digital production scheduling solution that allows users to create detailed production schedules, manage script breakdowns, and generate custom crew reports.
  • Movie Magic Budgeting: a tool that enables users to create and compare budgets for productions of any size. It seamlessly integrates with Movie Magic Scheduling to ensure financial alignment with the production schedule.
  • SyncOnSet: a digital solution for continuity and collaboration during below-the-line film production.
  • Scenechronize: a cloud-based solution for securely storing and managing production documents.
  • SmartHub: a digital document management solution that allows for the seamless storage and access of production documents across multiple productions.

By utilizing the Movie Magic suite, industry professionals can streamline their production processes and enhance efficiency. So get ready to step into the world of movie magic, where technology meets creativity to bring your favorite films and shows to life.

The Power of Movie Magic Software Suite

The Movie Magic software suite from Entertainment Partners is a powerful set of tools designed to manage and organize every stage of film and entertainment production. With its comprehensive range of features, this suite provides industry professionals with the necessary tools and workflows to enhance efficiency and streamline production processes.

One of the standout components of the Movie Magic software suite is Movie Magic Scheduling. This digital production scheduling solution allows users to create detailed production schedules, manage script breakdowns, and generate custom crew reports. It offers flexibility in terms of shoot lengths, re-ordered scenes, and location comparisons, making it an invaluable resource for production planning.

In addition, Movie Magic Budgeting is another essential tool in the suite. It enables users to create and compare budgets for productions of any size. This powerful software not only helps in managing finances but also integrates seamlessly with Movie Magic Scheduling, ensuring that the budget aligns with the production schedule. This integration is crucial for maintaining financial control and making informed decisions throughout the production.

Benefits of the Movie Magic software suite:

  • Efficiently manage and organize film and entertainment production processes
  • Create detailed production schedules, manage script breakdowns, and generate crew reports with Movie Magic Scheduling
  • Create and compare budgets for productions of any size with Movie Magic Budgeting
  • Ensure financial alignment with the production schedule through integration between Movie Magic Scheduling and Movie Magic Budgeting

Furthermore, the Movie Magic software suite offers additional tools such as SyncOnSet and Scenechronize. SyncOnSet provides a digital solution for continuity and collaboration during below-the-line film production, while Scenechronize is a cloud-based solution for securely storing and managing production documents. With these tools, the suite caters to various aspects of the production process, ensuring seamless collaboration and enhancing productivity.

To effectively streamline production processes and harness the full potential of film and entertainment production, industry professionals can rely on the Movie Magic software suite. Its cutting-edge technology and user-friendly interface empower users to manage and organize every stage of the production, from scheduling and budgeting to collaboration and document management.

Movie Magic Scheduling: Efficient Production Planning

With Movie Magic Scheduling, you can efficiently plan every aspect of your production, from creating detailed schedules to managing script breakdowns and generating crew reports. This digital production scheduling solution offers a range of features that make the process seamless and organized.

Here’s how Movie Magic Scheduling can enhance your production planning:

  • Create detailed production schedules, allowing you to map out every scene, location, and day of shooting with precision.
  • Manage script breakdowns effectively by tagging each element, such as characters, props, and set dressings, and generate reports to keep you organized.
  • Generate custom crew reports that provide essential information like call sheets, shooting schedules, and contact details, ensuring everyone is on the same page.
  • Flexibility in terms of shoot lengths, re-ordered scenes, and location comparisons allow you to adapt to any changes that may occur during the production process.

Efficiency and accuracy are key with Movie Magic Scheduling.

By utilizing this powerful tool, you eliminate the need for manual planning and reduce the risk of errors. It streamlines the production planning process, enabling you to focus on bringing your creative vision to life.

Whether you are working on a small independent film or a large-scale production, Movie Magic Scheduling offers the tools and functionality to ensure that your planning is precise, organized, and efficient.

Movie Magic Budgeting: Streamlining Production Finances

Streamline your production finances with Movie Magic Budgeting, a comprehensive tool that allows you to create and compare budgets for productions of all sizes. Whether you’re working on a small independent film or a blockbuster Hollywood production, Movie Magic Budgeting provides the flexibility and functionality you need to manage your financial resources effectively.

With Movie Magic Budgeting, you can easily create detailed budgets by inputting your production expenses and allocating funds to different departments and categories. The software offers a user-friendly interface that allows you to easily navigate through the budgeting process, making it accessible even for those with limited financial expertise.

Key Features of Movie Magic Budgeting:

  • Create comprehensive budgets for productions of any size
  • Compare different budget versions to make informed financial decisions
  • Integrate seamlessly with Movie Magic Scheduling for synchronized production planning

Movie Magic Budgeting is specifically designed to work in harmony with Movie Magic Scheduling, ensuring that your budget aligns with your production schedule. This integration allows you to easily track and manage your expenses, making adjustments as needed to accommodate changes in the filming timeline or production requirements.

By utilizing Movie Magic Budgeting, you can streamline your production finances, stay within budget, and allocate resources efficiently. Take advantage of this powerful tool to optimize your financial planning and enhance the overall success of your film or entertainment project.

SyncOnSet and Scenechronize: Enhancing Collaboration and Continuity

Improve collaboration and ensure continuity in below-the-line film production with SyncOnSet and Scenechronize, two innovative solutions that streamline the management of production documents and enhance collaboration. These cloud-based tools provide industry professionals with efficient and secure ways to store, organize, and access vital production documents, all in one centralized location. Whether you’re working on a small independent film or a large-scale production, SyncOnSet and Scenechronize offer a range of features designed to simplify and streamline the production process.


  • Seamlessly manage continuity by digitally tracking every detail, from props and costumes to hair and makeup, ensuring consistency throughout the entirety of the production.
  • Collaborate with the entire below-the-line crew by easily sharing and updating information in real-time, eliminating the need for countless emails or paper documents.
  • Access production documents, such as call sheets and sides, directly within the app, enabling quick and easy distribution and instant updates when changes occur.


  • Securely store and manage production documents, ensuring that sensitive information remains protected and easily accessible to authorized personnel.
  • Streamline communication and collaboration by providing a centralized platform for production teams to easily share and review scripts, schedules, and other important documents.
  • Track revisions and document history, allowing for transparent and efficient record-keeping, enhancing overall continuity and eliminating version control issues.

By utilizing SyncOnSet and Scenechronize, industry professionals can save valuable time and resources, minimizing the risk of errors and miscommunication. These cloud-based solutions provide a seamless and efficient workflow, allowing for smoother collaboration between departments and ensuring continuity throughout the production process. Say goodbye to cumbersome paper documents and hello to the convenience and productivity of SyncOnSet and Scenechronize.

SmartHub: Efficient Document Management

Say goodbye to paper clutter and hello to efficient document management with SmartHub, a digital solution that simplifies the storage and access of production documents across multiple productions. With SmartHub, you can streamline your workflow, improve collaboration, and ensure that all your important documents are just a click away.

Here are some key features and benefits of SmartHub:

  • Digital Document Management: SmartHub eliminates the need for physical paper documents, reducing clutter and increasing efficiency. You can easily upload, store, and organize all your production documents in one secure location.
  • Easy Access: Whether you’re in the office or on set, SmartHub allows you to access your documents from anywhere, at any time. No more searching through piles of papers or digging through filing cabinets – everything you need is right at your fingertips.
  • Multiple Productions: SmartHub is designed to handle the unique needs of the film and entertainment industry, allowing you to manage documents for multiple productions in one centralized platform. You can easily switch between projects and find the documents you need quickly and efficiently.

With SmartHub, you can say goodbye to the hassle of paper documents and hello to a more streamlined and efficient document management process. Experience the power of digital solutions and take your production management to the next level with SmartHub.

Streamlining Production Processes with Movie Magic

The Movie Magic suite empowers industry professionals by providing them with a comprehensive set of tools and workflows that enhance efficiency and streamline production processes. With its range of products including Movie Magic Budgeting, Movie Magic Scheduling, SyncOnSet, Scenechronize, and SmartHub, this software suite offers an all-in-one solution for managing and organizing various aspects of film and entertainment production.

Movie Magic Scheduling is a digital production scheduling solution that allows users to create detailed production schedules, manage script breakdowns, and generate custom crew reports. Its flexibility allows for easy adjustments to shoot lengths, re-ordered scenes, and location comparisons, ensuring a smooth and efficient production workflow.

Moving on to Movie Magic Budgeting, this powerful tool enables users to create and compare budgets for productions of any size. Integrated with Movie Magic Scheduling, it ensures that the budget aligns seamlessly with the production schedule, providing a comprehensive financial overview and eliminating potential discrepancies.

SyncOnSet and Scenechronize further enhance collaboration and continuity during below-the-line film production. SyncOnSet offers a digital solution for continuity, allowing for easy tracking of props, wardrobe, and set information. Scenechronize, on the other hand, provides a secure cloud-based platform for storing and managing production documents, ensuring easy access and efficient communication among team members.

In addition, SmartHub offers a digital document management solution that simplifies the storage and access of production documents across multiple productions. This feature is invaluable for industry professionals dealing with multiple projects, allowing for easy organization and retrieval of essential documents.

The Movie Magic suite not only provides the necessary tools for managing and organizing production workflows but also enhances efficiency by streamlining processes. By utilizing this software suite, industry professionals can optimize their time and resources, ensuring a seamless and successful production experience.

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